Join us for Climate Conversations!

Join us for happy hour the first Sunday of each month at 5 p.m. to build community and talk about local climate action. In warmer months, we sometimes meet at the southwest side of Bush Park, near Leffelle and High Street. Bring a lawn chair and your own beverage. (No alcohol is allowed in city parks.) During colder months, we’ll see you on Zoom. Everyone is welcome! Contact us for information.
Join our online meetings to learn how you can help.
- Second Saturday at 3 p.m.
- Work Team meetings as scheduled.
Contact us at for information.
Stay in the loop.
Sign up to receive Action Alerts and monthly Email Updates.
You can also ask to join our Google Group, an interactive email list for exchanging ideas and sharing articles and resources. Contact
Want to learn more about local climate issues? Tune in.
Learn more about local climate issues on our monthly radio program, The Elephant in the Room. Join program host and 350 member Tom Ellis as he interviews guests about climate issues from a local, state and regional perspective. Catch the program the first Tuesday of every month at 8 a.m. on KMUZ Community Radio, located at 100.7 and 88.5 FM.
Take a walk with us!

Join 350 activists and friends with Just Walk Salem Keizer for friendship and exercise on Wednesday morning walks. Participants meet at 9 a.m. at the mobile sculpture on the west side of the Cherriots Bus Station, on High Street. Walks to Riverfront Park usually bring sightings of heron, osprey, ducks, geese and hawks, and sometimes deer.