Divest Oregon

Tuesday February 4
9am – 3pm
First Congregational Church (700 Marion St NE Salem)
Sign up!

Urge Oregon legislators to pass the Pause Act in 2025!

After victories stopping state investments in coal and establishing a Net Zero Plan for PERS, next up is the Pause Act (Senate Bill 681) in the 2025 Oregon legislature. The Pause Act calls for a 5-year moratorium on state investments in private equity funds with involvement in fossil fuels.

    Divest Oregon will have all the info and training necessary for you to have a great day in Salem, with breakfast nibbles and lunch provided!
    Meet with Legislators at the Capitol as scheduled throughout the day. It’s sure to be a lot of fun and a great way to feel good about making a difference in Salem.

Mark your calendar after you fill out this form to sign up. We’ll get back with you with details.

Note: If you live more than 1.5 hours from Salem or have accessibility issues, let us know and we’ll do our best to zoom you into a meeting with your legislators.

For more fun and to meet new people, share the drivetime to Salem! To carpool, contact Beth Genly at ebgenly@gmail.com. Beth will connect you up with folks in your area of the state. Your carpool group can figure out the details. Let Beth know when your car is full!

Why the focus on Private Investments at the Oregon Treasury? Check out this video to see why they are so problematic and why we need the Pause Act.

Learn more about Divest Oregon victories and current campaigns.

350 Salem OR is a proud member of the Divest Oregon Coalition.

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